Expert support during preparation for EFQM recognition
If you are planning to apply for any kind of EFQM recognition, our expert can support you on the way. As our expert Vanda Novoksonova is an awards assessor and EFQM International Award assessor with long-time and wide experience, we know how to help the organization to get ready for any kind of excellence recognition and to be prepared to succeed in this process.
There is available a continuous support in these situations:
before the application for recognition
application for recognition preparation process
technical support during the application preparation (in EFQM platform Assess Base)
For your information - it is obligatory, that every organization applying for any kind or EFQM recognition must prepare their application in EFQM platform Assess Base (in English). The one-year licence for the platform is available also in the e-shop of Latvian Society for Quality. Feel free to ask us and we will help you to prepare all what you may need.
During the service there are no obligatory tasks to be done. Simply, you ask our expert for the support when you need it and you pay only for the specific job done, no additional charges. Consultations are available through email, online video conferences or face-to-face meetings.
Our expert will always do as much as possible to understand your organization and to give you the most suitable and specific suggestions before, during or after the process.